1. Year 3 cadets, the deadline to submit TD [Silver] project is over. Only 6 cadets, namely, Laurel, Yingxuan, Zoe, Nerin, Rachel and Nisa Syahindah have completed their TD(S) project. Capt Lim noticed that in general, Year 3 cadets do not seem to have the self-discipline to follow the deadlines given, such as handing in NYAA booklets and National Crime Prevention project in 2009. There will be no extension and cadets will have the bear the consequences, i.e. they have to do the TD(S) project next year! Please do not assume that Capt Lim is very free to check her emails everyday to see whether you have submitted your TD(S) project online. She has other important things to do, such as planning the weekly lessons and settling NCDCC admin matters.
2. Please hand in your sizing form to Capt Lim on 17 Feb 2010. The nominal roll has been submitted to HQ. The tailor will be coming to KC to take the measurement for 16 new recruits in March 2010. Note: The second set of uniform does not include belt, jockey cap, beret and boots. Please take care and do not lose any of these items.
3. Sec 1 cadets, please assemble at 2.30 p.m. outside Math Room on 17 Feb 2010. There will be presentation of Total Defence (Bronze) projects (individual and group), fire safety assessment (1/2 hour) and footdrill (1 h). SNCOs and NCOs, please meet Capt Lim in the Math Room at 2.30 p.m. on 17 Feb.
4. Capt Lim has submitted the nominal roll for SNCO Course, SYF Parade and Service Day. If you did not receive any email regarding this, please inform Capt Lim your email address. In total, we can only have 8 Sec 3 SNCOs. Thus, the next four Sec 3 cadets to attend SNCO Course in March 2010 will be SGTs Laurel Lim, Rachel Tan, Hanis and Nisa Syahindah. The five cadets to represent KC in SYF Parade 2010 are SNCO Tifflin Tan, UDI Elizabeth Houghton, UDI Felicia Ong, SGT Laurel Lim and LCP Rasyidah. Reserve: LCP Hasna from Sec 206. SYF combined rehearsals will be held from mid-June to 3 July 2010 whereas Marine Parade NDP combined rehearsals will be held on the 3rd, 10th and 17th of July. MPNDP full-dress rehearsal will take place on 25 July between Blk 6 and 8 carpark, one bus stop away from KC.
S/n School Name No of Cadets
5. Updating of cadets' particulars will be done soon. Cadets are also required to update their cadet sheet.
6. HQ did not inform Capt Lim regarding the posting of 2 new CLTs. Welcome CLT Nadira (in-charge of Year 1 cadets) and CLT Asyura (in-charge of Year 2 cadets)! They had graduated from Coral Secondary School last year and will be studying at Temasek Polytechnic in April 2010. SCLT Natasha will be graduating from Singapore Polytechnic and will be working from April 2010 onwards. Miss Jean Ng, an intern, does not need to shadow Capt Lim w.e.f. March 2010. We are grateful for her kind assistance when she helped us during the first two months.
7. Four Sec 1 cadets will represent KC in the Frisbee competition on 27 March 2010 to be held at East Spring Secondary School. Four Sec 3 cadets will represent KC in the Obstacle Course organised by Tampines Secondary School on 5 March 2010. They are Averyn Tananta, Elizabeth Houghton, Felicia Ong and Umme Laila.
8. Sec 1 Unit Camp will be held in November. KIV: Making of new CCA t-shirt and can we have the Unit Camp at KC instead of Changkat Changi SS?
9. Ma'am Chang will select two Sec 2 Campfire Leaders and 2 or 3 SNCOs to assist during Sec 2 Adventure Training Camp in March 2010. Capt Lim will select 4 to 5 NCDCC cadets to assist the First Aid Group during the School Emergency Exercise in March 2010 and 2 to 3 cadets to conduct a talk to the Lower Secondary cadets on Emergency Preparedness on 30 August 2010 during Assembly periods (about 45 minutes).
10. In order to prepare Year 1 cadets for NCDCC Observance Ceremony and F(B) Badge, they will be divided into two groups. UDI Felicia and SNCO Shamini will train one group including 3 Sec 2 cadets while UDI Elizabeth and SNCO Emelia will train the other group in footdrill. Capt Lim will be present to observe footdrill training sessions from 5 to 6 p.m. while Ma'am will be present in the netball court from 4 to 5 p.m. when HQ officers are conducting water mist gun training sessions. All cadets will be reminded to practise singing "Learn, Lead and Serve" in March 2010.
11. All SNCOs, year 2 and 3 cadets are to wear their No. 4 uniform for all CCA sessions. All cadets will fall in outside the Math Room by 3 p.m. for attendance taking. When all the year 1 cadets have received their first set of uniform, Master Parade will then take place at the parade ground (below the Math Room) at 3 p.m. every Wednesday. For the time being, all year 1 cadets will wear KC t-shirt and long (black) track pants. Cadets with long hair are required to wear hairnet. Hair should not be dyed and finger nails should be short. The right hand is used to carry a water bottle and the sling bag is to be carried diagonally across from the right shoulder. Please bring the beret for footdrill training and the jockey cap when you attend external training e.g. SANA, CPR, USAR, HFS. For SNCO Course, bring both.
12. NCDCC Cadets are not allowed to quit. Your CCA points will be all gone. If your attendance is below 75%, you will be given a FAIR conduct and you will not be eligible for MOE Edusave awards (scholarship, merit bursary, good progress)and school awards (e.g. colours, eagles, speech and prizegiving day). If your CCA grade is A1 or A2, two points can be deducted from your L1R5 if you apply to study in a JC after the release of your 'O' level exam results. If your CCA grade is B3 to C6, one point will be deducted from your L1R5. This year, Capt Lim has spoken to 3 parents and does not want to entertain any Year 2 or 3 cadet who threatened to quit just because the training is tough, boring or on the verge of breakdown. Be strong and resilient. Persevere! Nothing is too difficult until you have overcome your fear.
13. Capt Lim will select the next CCA Leader and WOs. If you are interested to be a student leader e.g. SNCO, please show more commitment and dedication to the CCA by attending all internal and external training sessions. The Pinnacle Badge (highest honour) goes to the one with the most number of badges. Congratulations to WO Claire Seow from Sec 405!
By the way, have a Happy Chinese New Year!