Wednesday, February 25, 2009

SAFE program, fire drill and Character Development Award

Capt Lim has decided not to participate in SAFE program.

The school will be organising a fire drill on 9 March 2009. The cadets who will be involved in the next emergency exercise in Term 3 are Anisa, Yingxuan, Tifflin, Averyn and Givion.

The school applied for Character Development Award 2009. Tifflin was interviewed with 9 others on 2 March 2009 from 3.45 to 4.15 p.m.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

NCDCC Supporting Contingent / GOH / Flag Party

NCDCC HQ is holding its very first NCDCC day on 30 May 2009. Cadets from the following schools have been selected to be part of the supporting contingent.

1. Kent Ridge SS
2. Kuo Chuan Presbyterian
3. Bedok South SS
4. Changkat Changi SS
5. St Hilda's SS
6. CHIJ Katong Convent
7. Northlight School
8. Presbyterian High
9. Bowen SS
10. Bukit View SS
11. West Spring SS
12. Boon Lay SS
13. Juying SS
14. Pei Hwa SS
15. Henderson SS

The nominated cadets are Elizabeth, Felicia, Tifflin (CCA leader), Rachel, Nerin, Averyn, Yingxuan, Givion, Hanis, Nisa, Huey Yiing, Laurel, Rasyidah, Mallika, Masayu, Cordell, Yvette, Irinie and Xuemei. The NCDCC HQ officers will select the Guard-of-Honour and flag party. March your best, cadets!

Here are the first 5 training dates for the supporting contingent:

Location : HTA (Drill Shed, Behind Parade Square)

1) 28th Feb 09, Time: 0800hrs - 1200hrs [Report to OC Unit, Capt Lim]
2) 7th March 09, Time: 0800hrs - 1200hrs [Meet at Tanah Merah MRT Station by 7.30 a.m.]
3) 14th March 09, Time: 0800hrs - 1200hrs [Meet at Tanah Merah MRT Station by 7.30 a.m.]
4) 19th March 09, Time: 0800hrs - 1200hrs [Meet at Tanah Merah MRT Station by 7.30 a.m.]
5) 20th March 09, Time: 0800hrs - 1200hrs [Meet at Tanah Merah MRT Station by 7.30 a.m.]

Please do not be late. Cadets are reminded to bring water bottles and have sufficient rest the night before. Note that only tea-break will be provided. There are 18 training sessions, out of which KC cadets might be unable to attend 4 of them. CCA stand down is on 18 April and the last day of mid-year exam is 18 May. Consent forms will be issued for the remaining 9 sessions from 27 March up to the actual day of the parade, 30 May 2009.

CCA points will be given to cadets who are representing KC in the NCDCC Day Parade. HQ will provide new uniforms and NCDCC t-shirt to participants including Sec 1 cadets. However, cadets will miss two school events, namely, Meet-the-Parents session and Family Day. Please inform your parents and form teacher.

Cadets are to send SMS to Capt Lim before 7 a.m. on the training day that they are absent. NCDCC HQ officers will accept valid reasons such as MCs, RHYA activity, 2-star kayaking course and go back to Indonesia. Please do not bring more than $10 or wear jewellery / watch. Hair must be neat (wear a hair net if you have long hair), polish your boots, starch & iron your uniform. Be prepared for the tough training ahead! If you are NOT willing to take up the challenge, please inform Capt Lim as the opportunity will be given to new recruits.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Courses, visit & ceremony 2009

1. Sec 2 Kayaking Expedition on 14 February from 0730 to 1800
[report at Tanah Merah MRT Station]
LCPs: Anisa, Yingxuan, Tifflin, Givion, Laurel, Zoe, Felicia, Averyn, Nerin, Rachel, Elizabeth, Huey Yiing
This is part of NYAA (Bronze) requirement.

2. 1-star Kayaking Certification Course from 0800 to 1700
[report at Kallang MRT Station]
January 17 & 18: Elizabeth (passed), Felicia (passed)
February 21 & 22: Rachel, Nerin, Givion, Yingxuan, Claire Tan (2 days again), Taryn (2 days again)

3. Sec 1 Initiation Ceremony @ACS(I) on 13 March 2009 from 1500 to 1700.
This is for 17 new cadets, Karthi, Tifflin, Elizabeth and Ms Chang Jia Yin to attend.

4. 2-star Kayaking Certification Course [for Sec 3 cadets with 1-star kayaking cert] from 0800 to 1700. Please report at Kallang MRT Station on 8, 14 and 15 March. Nominated: Elizabeth and Felicia.

5. Sec 2 Campfire Leaders' Course on 28 & 29 March 2009
Nominated: Tifflin and Felicia.

6. SCDF MRT Shelter Open House on 4 April
Attire: No. 4 uniform & beret for LCPs Zoe and Laurel. The eighteen new cadets will wear CCA t-shirt and long black track pants.
Venue: a new MRT Station near Maris Stella Primary School
Time to report to school: 8.45 a.m.
Time allocated to visit Bartley MRT Station: 9.30 to 10 a.m.

7. Guard-of-Honour for the Speech & Prize-giving Day on 4 April
Please report to Ms Chang at the school carpark / chapel staircase by noon.
Attire: No. 4 uniform & beret

8. Preparation for NCDCC Observance Ceremony [9 April 2009]
A unit flag is on loan from HQ.
Attire: No. 4 uniform & beret.
New foreign recruits have to wait for approval from HQ before getting their uniform.

9. Sec 1 Adventure Challenge on 24 May
Venue: HomeTeam NS Adventure Centre, Bukit Batok West Avenue 7
Reporting time is 7:45 am to 8:00 am.
Participants are expected to be released at 5:30 pm.
(A bus will send Sec 1 cadets from the Adventure Centre to Bukit Gombak MRT Station)

10. 7th SNCO Course from 15 to 20 June
Attire: No. 4 uniform & jockey cap
Venue: Hometeam Academy (HTA) Drill Shed
Time: 0745 - 1800
[maximum 4 nominations: Claire Seow, Sarah Lim, Emelia Lee and Shamini]
Please note that you will not be automatically promoted to SSG just by attending the course. You must fulfil all other prerequisites (Rank of SGT, and other additional badges for SSG rank: Hazmat, Footdrill Silver, ATC) and pass the course in order to be promoted to the rank of SSG. CD Knowledge will be covered during the SNCO Course.

11. Sec 3 Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) Course from 24 to 26 June @CDA
- CPL Claire Seow, LCP Shamini and LCP Emelia Lee

12. Sec 2 & 3 CPR Proficiency Badge Course on 4 July @HTA

13. There is OBS Course from 17 to 21 August 2009.

14. Sec 2 ATC (2D/1N) on 22 & 23 August @CCAC
This is compulsory for all Sec 2 cadets and LCP Emelia Lee.
Cpt Lim will volunteer to be the Camp IC (Admin).

15. CDA Visit on 25 August from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m.
This is for new cadets and Ms Chang Jia Yin to attend.

16. Unit Drill Instructor (UDI) Course from 7 to 10 September 2009
This course is for two SNCOs who have passed Footdrill (Gold) Assessment.

17. Sec 3 Homefront Course on 6 November @HTA

18. Sec 2 SANA Course on 24 November @SANA House

In order to be promoted from LCP to CPL in June 2009, you must pass CD Shelter & Rescue courses. In order to be promoted from CPL to SGT in Jan 2010, you must pass SANA & CPR courses.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bowling training sessions (confirmed)

NCDCC cadets have to pay 50% of the bowling instructor's fees. The cash amount to collect from each cadet is $100 for 12 bowling sessions on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (minimum: 16 cadets) from the first week of June to mid-September (12 Saturdays except for 20 June, 4 July & 22 August). The other $100 will be paid using SEP grant. SEP stands for Sports Education Programme.

Sec 1 to 3 cadets, please collect consent forms from Capt Lim if you are interested. Selected cadets will represent KC in the inter-unit bowling competition in November and acquiring new skills is one of the four NYAA (Bronze) requirements.


Year 1 cadets, there will be Total Defence [Bronze] Assessment (Individual/Group) on 11 Feb and Fire Safety (both practical and written) Assessment on 18 Feb 2009.
Support: SCDF staff from Tampines Fire Station

Year 2 cadets, there will be Rescue (practical) Assessment on 25 Feb and Footdrill [Silver] Assessment on 4 Mar 2009. Please wear your no. 4 uniform with jockey cap on 11/2, 18/2, 25/2 and 4/3.
Support: HQ officers & SCLT