Saturday, April 17, 2010

Activities from May 2010 onwards (MUST READ)

1. SYF Schedule Date Time Attire Venue
Training 3 Fri, 4 June 0830- 1230 Half Uniform HTA
Training 4 Wed, 9 June 0830- 1230 Half Uniform HTA
Training 7 Fri, 18 June 1430-1800 Half Uniform HTA
Training 8 Wed, 23 June 1430-1800 Half Uniform HTA
Training 10* Mon, 28 June 1200 - 2000 Half Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium
Training 11* Tues, 29 June 0730 - 1400 Full Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium
Training 12* Wed, 30 June 1200 - 2000 Half Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium
Training 13* Thurs, 1 July 0730 - 2000 Half Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium
Preview* Fri, 2 July 0730 - 2000 Full Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium
SYFOC* Sat, 3 July 1000 - 2000 Full Uniform Singapore Indoor Stadium

The four SYF participants will be Yvette Han, Laurel Lim, Rasyidah and Felicia Ong and the reserve is Elizabeth Houghton. HQ has arranged for bus transport. Please assemble at Tanah Merah MRT Station on 4 and 9 at 7.15 a.m., 18 and 23 June at 1.15 a.m. respectively. Capt Lim will accompany cadets from schools in the east zone on 9 June. HQ assigned 8 teachers to take turns to look after the cadets for the first 4 sessions. The training sessions in asterisk - teachers not on duty.

Combined rehearsals for all UGs will be held on 10 and 17 July in school netball court from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. There will be a full-dress rehearsal on 25 July at Blk 8 Marine Terrace from 1.30 to 8.30 p.m.

The selected cadets are Nerin, Rachel, Laurel, Zoe, Felicia, Karthi, Hanis, Nisa Syahindah, Tifflin, Rasyidah, Siti Sara, Yvette, Cordell, Irinie, Jade, Yundi, Hasna and Masayu Suhailah. Min rank is LC. The four reserves are Anisa, Yingxuan, Huey Yiing and Elizabeth. Reserves will also attend the rehearsals and also follow us to HQ to collect No. 1 uniform in July. The 22 No. 1 uniforms will be locked up in the store room unless the cadets want to bring them home to wash, iron and starch before the actual day. Capt Lim will also bring one cadet from Sec 102 to HTA to collect her 1st set of uniform.

3. OBS Camp for CCA Leader to attend
OBS "A Leader's Journey for the Youth" will be held between 7-11 June 2010. Camp fees of $500 for the camp will be borne by CCAB.

4. Inter-unit banner competition @ KC from 12 to 3 p.m., organised by 5 NCDCC units. Participants representing KC NCDCC unit are Felicia Ong, Rasyidah, Umme Laila, Norlinnah and Yvette Han. Reserves: Putri and Hanis. Usher cum volunteer: Huey Yiing and Liyana. Supporter: Elizabeth.

Venues: Sec 401 classroom (ESSS, EVSS), Sec 402 classroom (Bowen, CCSS, KC), Sec 403 classroom (SPSS, TPSS). SPSS is in-charge of discipline and purchase of white banner. ESSS is in-charge of RAMS. Bowen & EVSS are in-charge of prizegiving ceremony. CCSS is in-charge of Admin. KC is in-charge of snacks and logistics. Cadets will have to bring art materials e.g. acrylic paint. Mr Md Faizal will provide pails and use black garbage bags and newspapers to protect the floor of the 3 classrooms. He has given Capt Lim the rubrics and information how to organise the competition. Each team of 5 cadets will have to assemble in the Air Con Bio Lab 3 at 11.45 a.m. on 31 May for a briefing before being led to the respective venues. Invigilators and judges: OC units / TOs from the 5 schools. Consent forms will be issued after the mid-year exam. Note: Lunch is not provided.

5. Sec 3 USAR Course @ CDA (23 to 25 June 2010 from 0800 to 1730)
* 2 cadets: Tifflin Tan (302) and Felicia Ong (303). One-way transport: Taxi.

6. BCLS Certification Course @ CDA (22 June 2010 from 0800 to 1730)
* 2 cadets: Tifflin Tan (302) and Laurel Lim (304). One-way transport: Taxi.

7. Sec 3 CD Knowledge Course @ HTA (15 June 2010 @ 1200)
* Claire Tan (301), Yap Yingxuan (301), Rasyidah (301), Nahlah (301), PK (302), Umme Laila (302), Taryn Wong (303), Nisa (303) and Liow Huey Yiing (307). One-way bus transport will be provided. Please assemble in the school foyer by 11 a.m. in no. 4 uniform and jockey cap. Note: There is a change in the date and time. Accompanying teacher: Capt Lim. Reserve: Averyn.

8. Sec 3 Rescue Equipment Course for non-USAR participants @ MTV (18 June 2010 from 0800 to 1730)
* 4 cadets: Umme Laila (302), Laurel Lim (304), Averyn Tananta (305) & Rachel Tan (305). Note: There is a change in the date. One-way transport: Taxi.

9. SMRT CEPP Community Engagement Badge practical session on 25 May @ Ang Mo Kio MRT Station from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Attire: No. 4 uniform, jockey cap / beret.
(a) Yvette
(b) Irinie
(c) Xuemei
(d) Suhailah
(e) Umme Laila
(f) Yun Di
(g) Poongkothai
(h) Elizabeth
(i) Tifflin
(j) Laurel

10. 3 July: Sec 2 CPR Course. CPR theory must be taught prior to attending this course at HTA.

11. Year 2 Visit to Heritage Gallery is on 21 July. Reminder: Visit Feedback Form must be faxed to HQ.

12. Year 1 Visit to Civil Defence Academy is on 19 August from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m.

13. Assessments for Year 1 cadets in July: Footdrill (Bronze) and Campcraft
and assessments for Year 2 cadets in Term 3 are Footdrill (Silver), CPR and National Crime Prevention. Make-up assessments e.g. Rescue, First Aid and Total Defence will be conducted in August. The 1st promotion for Year 1 cadets is in September. The promotion deadline from LCP to CPL is 1 June. The necessary badges for Year 2 cadets are Fire Safety, TD (B), Campcraft, First Aid, Rescue and CD Shelter.

Reminder: All consent forms, visit feedback forms, assessment results (used question papers) are to be passed to Capt Lim for filing by early September. Capt Lim will do another round of filing during the September holiday. Hanis and Tifflin will attend the UDI Course from 6 to 9 September.

Tentative dates:
* Emergency Preparedness Day on 30 October. Venue: Siglap
* Unit Camp from 11 to 13 Nov (same as Student Council camp dates)

Capt Lim wants Year 3 cadets to get ready for CD Skills Competition (15 Sep) and Lower Sec Assembly talk on Emergency Preparedness (30 Aug) in Term 3. Sec 2 SANA Course @ SANA House is scheduled on 25 Nov. Those who have not completed the TD(S) project, National Crime Prevention project or have not attended SANA Course, please take note of deadlines and the date to attend make-up SANA Course which is held once a year.

HQ courses go by Secondary level, not Year. Capt Lim wants Sec 2 cadets such as Shahira, Nadya, Liyana and Stacee-Ann to attend Sec 2 ATC this year. They will learn Campcraft after mid-year exam. Note to Hasna, Yun Di, Suhailah and Mallika, the make-up ATC is from 21 to 22 August. Mallika, this is your last opportunity to attend ATC.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

NCDCC Observance Ceremony and so on

Thanks to Ma'am Chang and 16 NCDCC cadets who carried out Speech and Prizegiving Day GOH and carpark duty this afternoon. Capt Lim wants to thank two HODs especially Mrs Emily Sim for their OCA nomination, Ma'am Chang and all cadets for your support and hard work!

Cadets, please assemble in school by 6.30 a.m. on 12 April. Year 1 cadets have to report to school as early as 6 a.m. because some of you are still not neat in your turnout and may need guidance from seniors to help you with the beret, hairnet and folding of sleeves. SNCO Felicia Ong invited some Sec 1 cadets to her house to show them how to starch the uniform on Sunday.

Capt Lim takes this opportunity to congratulate WO Claire Seow (Pinnacle Badge awardee - she has attained 12 core proficiency badges) and SGT Tifflin Tan (Unit Best Cadet - based on last year's performance at the 7th SNCO Course). We bid farewell to SCLT Natasha in April and CLT Nadira in March. Capt Lim has given the name of a potential CLT to our Principal and has spoken to his OC Unit to seek his understanding but will only announce and mention his name once it is approved. In the meantime, we still have CLT Asyura who has done a good job in training the Year 1 cadets in footdrill. Also thanks to SNCO Tifflin Tan, LCP Rasyidah, NCOs Cordell Lim and Masayu Suhailah for conducting footdrill training session on Friday, 9 April from 3 to 5 p.m., and the two UDIs during Wednesday CCA sessions!

Capt Lim has asked Ma'am Chang to organise CIP for Sec 1 to 3 cadets. Some Year 1 cadets asked Capt Lim to organise swimming lessons for them and perhaps teach the children from SCAS (Spastic Children Association of Singapore). Since we are not going to have a combined unit camp with Changkat Changi SS, the enthusiastic Year 1 cadets suggested holding some activities at the beach near our school and hence, pick up litter from the beach during the unit camp. SNCO Felicia Ong volunteered to submit a draft of the unit camp programme to Capt Lim. We can also include outings during the camp.

Capt Lim and Huey Yiing will accompany 3 to 5 Year 1 cadets to collect their first set of uniform from HTA next Wednesday. Cadets who were given the wrong size of uniform or new boots, please pass them to Capt Lim on 14 April, which is the last day in which AFIs Saleem and Sofian will conduct water mist gun training session. CCA stand-down for Sec 1 to 3 cadets is on 16 April. Since there is a cluster Malay workshop, the footdrill session for Year 1 cadets on 16 April is cancelled. Furthermore, Capt Lim observed the Year 1 cadets yesterday and was surprised to note that they have improved so much in their marching. They should not have any problem in passing the Footdrill (Bronze) Assessment in July.

Good news! Capt Lim has decided to let the Sec 3 cadets to turn up for CCA sessions from 4 to 6 p.m. w.e.f. Term 3. This is to allow them to attend remedial lessons on Wednesdays and to give them more time to do their school work or to study (prepare for tests) in Semester 2. Their CCA time is reduced because they have completed the Year 3 syllabus. Year 2 cadets will not get to enjoy this priviledge until next year. Another piece of good news is that selected cadets will be allowed to wear half u on Wed during the times when there are so many footdrill rehearsals taking place in July.

All cadets who attend external activities organised by NCDCC HQ, please be more assertive and do not give your contact number to any male cadet or add him in FB unless you can trust that he will not harass you. If there is any misconduct, please inform any of your teachers-in-charge. Please do not wait until the matter has become so serious. Also, you must learn to say no and must not mislead him. Tell him that you treat him as a normal friend, but do not make any arrangement to meet him anywhere alone (for your own safety).

Recently 3 new Sec 1 cadets joined NCDCC very late in Term 2. Capt Lim heard that one of them has a boyfriend who is a member of St Pat's NCDCC unit. We do not want cadets to join NCDCC for the wrong reasons - given the opportunities to meet cadets from other schools. There are 2 Sec 1 cadets who will quit at the end of the year. Mrs Algena Lim will allow them to switch to SJAB or NCC. Capt Lim thinks that we have to discharge them next year for the sake of UOPA points. Poor attendance will affect the actual attendance divided by the total enrolment. Likewise, the percentage of attainment of proficiency badges is based on the same formula. Thus, removing the cadets with poor attendance is a better solution than forcing them to stay on. But this only applies to Year 1 cadets who want to quit after one year, not for other levels.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There will be CCA from 2 to 5 p.m. on 7 April.

In line with Book and Music Week, Capt Lim is dedicating two songs to NCDCC cadets: