Thursday, March 24, 2011

Collection of uniforms for Sec 1 cadets & POP

There will be CCA session on 26 March 2011.

Sec 1 cadets will go to HQ collect their No. 4 uniform on 30 March.

All cadets will no longer be allowed to take taxi without prior approval from Capt Lim. Furthermore, taxi transport is only one way to HQ. We have budget constraint. Capt Lim will not give any more money. Cadets will have to pay first.

Congratulations to Yvette Han (301) who clinched "Best in Practical" at the 10th SNCO Course!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


1. Unit Bonding Day will be held on Saturday, 19 March from 0730 to 1300 in school.

2. NCDCC Observance Ceremony will be held on 12 April.

3. During Service Week (on the first week of April), the unit will have to carry out a project on emergency preparedness if an assembly slot is given. e.g. using a skit and powerpoint slides to educate KC students and teaching staff.

4. GOH and carpark duty for Speech and Prizegiving Day
Date: 9 April
Time: 1200 to 1400
Attire: No. 4 uniform and beret
Teacher-in-charge: Ms Norazian
Cadets: 15 Sec 3 and 4 cadets

5. Visit Civil Defence Academy at Jalan Bahar
Date: 15 November
Time: 2.30 to 4.30 p.m.
Attire: No. 4 uniform and beret
Cadets: 15 Sec 1 cadets

6. CCA stand-down (end of March)
Passing out ceremony for Sec 4 and 5 cadets will be held on 12 April.

7. If there are no objections, all Sec 1 cadets will attend CCA sessions every Wednesday from 3 to 6 p.m. w.e.f. 30 March 2011. Capt Lim will inform HQ officers and Mr Jega. If there is a need to, a letter will be given to inform parents.

8. Organisational structure will be revised as a result of feedback from the two visiting AFIs. From April onwards, Sec 1 SNCOs will be Yvette and Irinie, Sec 2 and 3 SNCOs will be Hasna and Cordell. Duties will be reassigned when there are some more SNCOs in June. Looking after the respective levels include contacting the absentees and find out why they were absent by calling their parents (Ms Rawdah and Ms Wong to assist). SNCOs, please obtain cadets' handphone number and email addresses. SNCOs will be empowered to "punish" our cadets in the presence of TO / OC Unit. SNCO (Admin) will continue with the filing and do store inventory as and when.

9. As a follow-up to absenteeism, action will be taken against Sec 4 cadets who do not have at least 75% of attendance. They will have to attend make-up CCA sessions. Sec 2 and 3 cadets, we will confiscate your handphone / EZlink card on Wed morning. Sec 1 cadets, we will call your parents to inform them. WARNING LETTERS WILL BE ISSUED IN TERM 2.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

HQ officers' visit on 9 March 2011

HQ officers will be visiting KC NCDCC unit on 9 March 2011 from 3 to 6 p.m.

All cadets are to wear full uniform with jockey cap. Sec 1 cadets are to wear PE attire. Please assemble at the parade ground below Math Room or outside Math Room.

We bid farewell to Elizabeth Houghton who will trasfer to SHSS w.e.f. 7 March. We are left with one UDI, Felicia who will step down end of March. We are also left with one CLT. CLT Yong Xin is not free on Sat and has been posted back to Beatty SS.

In April, we have three major events:-
1. Service Week (first week of April)
2. NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony (tentative: 12 April)
3. GOH for Speech and Prizegiving Day on 9 April.

NCDCC Day Parade: Elizabeth, Felicia, Tifflin, Laurel, Nadia, Aqila and Yun Di

NDP: Siti Sara, Irinie and Cordell

SNCO Course from 14 to 18 March: Hasna, Yvette, Irinie and Cordell
**Please see Capt Lim regarding taxi transport.

Sec 2 Campfire Leaders' Course on 15, 19, 20 March: Nadia and Aqila
**Please see Capt Lim regarding taxi transport.

March camp will be held on 19 March (Saturday) from 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
** Organisers: Sec 3 cadets