1. Ma'am Norazian and Ma'am Tan are the organisers for the POP.
Date: 12 Oct 2013
Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Venue: CHIJ KC

2. NCDCC Inter-Unit CD and Sports Competition on 18 Oct at Bowen SS
School units: Bowen, Changkat, KC, Evergreen and Kent Ridge
Cadets are to wear blue CCA t-shirt and long, black pants and school shoes.
Please assemble in school foyer at 2 p.m. and bring water bottle.
Two way-bus transport will be arranged by Ma'am Lim.
3 to 4.30 p.m. - Telematch, soccer and T-shirt design competition
4.30 to 5 p.m. - Refreshment and collate scores
5 to 5.30 p.m. - Announcement of overall results, presentation of prize hampers and phototaking
Telematch: Cassandra, Geok Kuan, Iman, Jingxiu and Tricia
T-shirt design competition: Shu Qi, Feng Hui, Inez, Jamie, Joey. Reserves: Jana and Celestine Chee
Teachers-in-charge of Telematch: Ma'am Norazian and Ma'am Tan
3. EZ Sports Festival on 19 Oct at Anglican High
Cadets are to assemble in school at 6.20 a.m. Reporting venue: Lee Kong Chian Stadium.
One-way bus transport will be arranged at 6.20 a.m. Please bring water bottle. There will be refreshment after the games.
3V3 Basketball: Savannah, Celestine and Fatin. Venue: Lee Kong Chian Stadium, Basketball Court
5V5 Netball: Glenice, Shu Qi, Cassandra, Iman and Syndarelle. Venue: Hall
Attire: School T-shirt, PE shorts and school shoes. Please bring blue pinafore and water bottle.
Teachers IC are Ma'am Lim and Sir Richard.
4. Urban Adventure CD Skills Challenge on 26 Oct at Singapore Botanic Garden
Time: 7.45 to 2 p.m.
Transport will be arranged by Ma'am Tan who will provide the details on the consent forms.
Participants: Savannah, Glenice, Shu Qi, Cassandra and Iman
5. Sir Richard will be attending Officer Basic Course from 30 Oct to 15 Nov.
6. Homefront Security Course on 31 Oct at HTA
All Sec 3 cadets are to assemble in school foyer at 12 noon in No. 4 uniform with beret. Please bring writing materials, course notes and water bottle. Course notes will be printed and 1-way bus transport will be arranged by Ma'am Lim.
Venue: LT2. Dismissal Time: 5.30 p.m.
Accompanying teacher officer: Ma'am Tan who will be attending Focus Group Discussion in Everest Room on 31 Oct at 2 p.m. Duration: 1.5 h.
Note: Ma'am Lim will be attending E7 ICT Taskforce Network session for ICT Mentors on 31 Oct (2.30 to 5.30 p.m.) and Professional Learning Assessment Network meeting on 8 Nov (2 to 5.30 p.m.) - clash of events.
7. NCDCC VIA and Facilitation Training on 1 Nov from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. - NIL return from KC teachers-in-charge
8. Overseas Exchange Programme -
Visit to HK (Nur Syafiqah, pending on the outcome of HQ interview in mid-Nov)
9. Home Team Convention on 8 & 10 Nov at the Expo Hall 4
Presenters: Emily and Jamie on 8 Nov from 4 to 9 p.m. Teacher-in-charge: Ma'am Tan. Additional cadets: Jolene and Inez
Presenters: Cassandra and Geok Kuan on 10 Nov from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Teacher-in-charge: Ma'am Lim.
EP Day participants cum HT Convention visitors are to meet Ma'am Lim to mark attendance from 12 to 2 p.m. at the Expo Hall 4.
Attire: No. 4 uniform and beret.
Note: The other visitors will take MRT train from Simei to Expo and the 2 presenters will also be visitors after their shift so that in total, there will be at least 10 visitors. We need UOPA points for EP Day, HT Convention participation as presenters and visitors - 1 point each. Thank you, everyone, for your cooperation.
10. NCDCC Workplan Seminar on 9 Nov [for OC Units and Teacher Officers]
Participants: Ma'am Norazian, Ma'am Tan and Sir Richard
Note: Ma'am Tan will do the 2014 30-week training programme and compile the CEB hours by end of November while Ma'am Lim will train Ma'am Azian to do admin work such as UOPA, allowance claim, liase with Rota Commander to bring fire wok and fire extinguishers for the CCA Fair 2014 by end of November. Stocktaking and handing over of duties will be carried out on 1 Nov. The OC Unit in 2014 will be Ma'am Norazian (selected by Ms Lam). Ma'am Lim who will be posted to another school as a Level Head of Math Department in Jan 2014 is unable to attend the workplan seminar due to work related retreat on 9 Nov.
11. Emergency Preparedness Day on 10 Nov at Changi Simei Constituency from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Cadets are to meet Ma'am Tan at Simei MRT Station at 8.30 a.m.
Address: Blk 106 Simei St 1, Basketball Court.
Participants: Iman, Feng Hui, Jamie, Joey, Rimshaa, Fatin, Nicole and Sec 3 SNCOs. Please take photos as evidence of your attendance.
Note: 2 concurrent events will take place on 10 Nov, namely, HT Convention and EP Day.
12. Combined Unit Camp for all cadets from 20 to 22 Nov at Changkat Changi SS
20 Nov: Ma'am Lim will be on duty from 0700 to 1400, Ma'am Tan will be on duty from 1400 (1st day) to the next morning 7 a.m.
21 Nov: Ma'am Lim will be on duty from 0700 to 1200, Ma'am Norazian will be on duty from 1200 to 1700, Mr Richard Leong will be on duty from 1700 to the next morning 7 a.m.
22 Nov: Ma'am Norazian will be on duty from 0700 to 1400.
(a) Ma'am Lim and Ma'am Norazian (12 h each), Ma'am Tan (17 h including sleeping time) and Mr Richard Leong (14 h including Campfire and sleeping time) * 21 Nov - Ms Lam's farewell dinner from 7 to 10 p.m. Mr Richard Leong will be excused from attending the principal's farewell dinner.
(b) 2-way bus transport will be arranged by Ma'am Lim.
(c) SNCO in-charge of logistics, please get the mesh tins, solid fuel and bandages ready in boxes, label them and pass these boxes to Ma'am Lim before 20 Nov.
(d) SNCOs in-charge of Camp Programme, it is your responsibility to forward the camp programme to Ma'am Lim after your exam.
(e) Cadets who need transport to Changkat Changi SS on 20 Nov, please assemble in school foyer by 6.30 a.m. Attire: blue CCA t-shirt, long track pants and school shoes.
(f) There will be food ration and 2 proper meals provided.
(g) Please follow the kit list given in Term 3 and bring a 1.5 litre water bottle to prevent dehydration.
(h) If you are not feeling well, please inform one of the teachers-in-charge. You may bring your medicine, if necessary.
(i) Your valuables such as wallet and handphone will be kept by one of the CCSS teachers-in-charge from day 1 ro 3 and returned to you on the last day of the camp before dismissal.
13. All Sec 1 cadets have been promoted to Lance Corporals. Anum and majority of the Sec 2 cadets have been promoted to Sergeants. All new ranks will be given out to the respective cadets during the parade on 22 Nov at Changkat Changi SS.
14. Yvette and Nadia will be attending CLT Course from 28 Nov to 13 Dec whereas Savannah will be attending Sabah OBS from 14 to 23 Dec. They will be nominated for MOE Eagles Award. Savannah has been awarded the Unit Best Cadet and hence, she will be nominated for the SCDF NCDCC Pinnacle Badge in 2014.
15. Warrant Officers in 2014: TBC
CCA Leader in 2014: Jamie Lee.
Asst CCA Leader in 2014: Glenice Chia.
Admin assistants in 2014: Geok Kuan and Iman.
Logistics IC in 2014: Shu Qi and her assistant is Joey Leung. They were asked to do stocktaking on 1 Nov.
The rest of the Sec 3 cadets will be given duties to train junior cadets after theyhave passed out from SNCO Course in 2014.
16. Teachers and cadets are encouraged to submit articles for the Rhino magazine issue 15.
Topic: School Experience. Deadline: 23 December 2013.
WO Nadia and WO Yvetter co-wrote an article on POP and farewell celebration. Geok Kuan will write an article on Home Team Convention and she helped to edit the NCDCC article for the school yearbook. Savannah will write an article on UDI Course and/or Sabah OBS. Her article on the combined unit camp was published in the Jul - Dec 2012 Rhino magazine while Jingxiu's article on Sec 1 sectorised training held at CHIJ KC was published in the Jan - Jun 2013 Rhino magazine!
Here's wishing everyone:- All the best to you in your future endeavours! Do continue to Learn, Lead and Serve :)