Photos taken in Jan 2011
Though we do not emphasize so much on winning awards, we have tried to do our best in everything that we participate in (ranging from CCA Fair, Inter-unit competitions and courses)! We are actually waiting for the outcome of the Unit Overall Performance Award next month. Hopefully, we will be able to clinch a bronze award, based on 2011 percentage of attendance, proficiency badges and promotion. Thanks to HQ officers, CLTs and SCDF personnel for their support throughout the years!

Photos taken in Jan 2012
When the personnel from Tampines Fire Station informed Ma'am Lim that they could only turn up on Fri afternoon from 3 to 4.30 p.m., the chances of winning any of the Most Inviting CCA Awards (votes from parents, Sec 1 students and three judges) were slim. Nevertheless, the unit worked very hard. Everyone was involved in different areas such as decorating and manning the CCA booth, talking to parents, promoting the CCA (flyers, posters, photos, Rhino magazines, training syllabus, unit flag), ordering and collecting the NCDCC candy, demonstrating footdrill and knots, borrowing and setting up the LCD projector and laptop, using the dome tent, stretcher, water mist guns, HAZMAT suit and breathing apparatus and finally, clearing up). Thank you for your cooperation and teamwork! During the Combined UG Campfire, all of you deserved to be thanked when you served as a song leader, served drinks to parents, carried benches and cleared litter. Credit goes to Ma'am Norazian for taking up the challenge to be in-charge of CCA Fair and Sec 1 Orientation!

Name of the candy: NCDCC rocks
Ma'am Norazian volunteered to revamp the 30-week training programme and will be in-charge of training. In the absence of a CLT, Ma'am Norazian will be in-charge of the squad. Ma'am Tan will be in-charge of attendance, CIP and CEB hours. Ma'am Lim will be in-charge of admin e.g. nominal rolls, CCA blog, UOPA and liasing with HQ officers and Rota Commander. Photostat copies of MCs, consent forms and parents' letters (other reasons e.g. piano exam) will have to be given at the next CCA session.
Ma'am Norazian has introduced many new initiatives e.g. to present badges and ranks at the end of the month / term during a ceremony (to wear full u) and to have alternate weeks of PT, games, footdrill, theory and practical sessions.
CCA day: Wednesday
Time: 3 to 6 pm
Venue: Math Room / near school field
Attire: alternate Wed - half u / CCA t-shirt and KC shorts
Last year, when two AFIs visited our school, one of them asked whether our unit has an organisational structure. Below shows the organisational sructure in 2012.
Sec 1 and 2 teachers-in-charge: Ma'am Norazian and Ma'am Tan. The teacher officers have compiled a training booklet and will implement reflections after each training session. The first project in January is Total Defence (Bronze) / (Silver). The SNCOs will be assigned duties to teach the different levels. Teacher officers will be there to evaluate the effectiveness of the training or to conduct the training in the absence of student leaders.
Sec 3 to 5 teacher-in-charge: Ma'am Lim. Existing cadets will update their cadet sheet and particulars e.g. email address and contact number soon. Adhoc make-up assessments will be conducted in Term 1 so that there will not be a delay in promotion. There must be a gap of four months between each promotion. Sec 4 cadets will be nominated to attend Adventure Finale on 26 Feb at Pulau Ubin. One-way bus transport will be arranged in Feb.
WO Yvette Han (401) and WO Irinie Lee (404) will be in-charge of Sec 1 and 2 cadets whereas WO Tifflin Tan will be in-charge of Sec 3 to 5 cadets. Yvette will be in-charge of footdrill and training. Irinie will be in-charge of logistics and Tifflin will be in-charge of admin. Hanis will assist in admin work, Aqila will be in-charge of porch duty while Nadia will be in-charge of CCA noticeboard and informing cadets w.e.f. Term 2. In the meantime, Unit Drill Instructor Zhang Yun Di (403) will be excused from any physical activity.
The next CCA Leader will be selected soon. Nominations for Unit Best Cadet and SCDF NCDCC Pinnacle Badge will take place in January. The results will be announced on 12 April, the day when all cadets will wear full u on NCDCC Observance Ceremony 2012.
Eight Sec 2 and 3 cadets will be discharged in 2012 since they are in Cabin Club. Sec 1 NT students who are interested to join NCDCC will have to get approval from Mr Jega (ST/CCA). This will be their second CCA.