There will be four more CCA sessions on 11 Aug, 18 Aug, 25 Aug & 15 Sep before CCA stand-down. Full u is worn for HQ / SANA courses, inter-unit quiz, visits, CCA Fair, parades, external events & footdrill assessments. Otherwise, the attire is half u, blue CCA t-shirt & jockey cap. When in doubt, please check with any of the teachers.
Heritage Gallery Visit for Year 2 cadets - 18 Aug (Ma'am Chang)
Attire: Full u and jockey cap
CDA Visit for Year 1 cadets - 19 Aug (Mr Lim)
Attire: Full u and jockey cap
Make-up ATC for Hasna, Dragon Stacee, Nur Liyana, Zhang Yun Di and Shahira - 21 & 22 Aug (Ma'am Chang)
Attire: Blue CCA t-shirt and long track pants. No shorts. Kit list is provided.
Assessments from August to September:
1. Campcraft practical and First Aid theory for year 1 cadets
2. National Crime Prevention for year 2 & 3 cadets
3. Total Defence (B) & (S) - makeup
4. Footdrill (B) & (S) - makeup
UDI Course for Tifflin and Nurhanis to attend - 6 to 9 Sep
Talk on Emergency Preparedness during Lower Secondary assembly periods
Date: 30 August
Emergency Preparedness Day @ Siglap on 30 October (after EOY exams)
Attire: Full u and jockey cap
Local OBS from 1 to 5 Nov and from 15 to 19 Nov
None from KC signed up. The opportunity will be given to other units' Sec 3 cadets.
Sabah OBS from 13 to 22 Dec 2010. Umme Laila?
The teachers will interview potential year 2 student leaders and plan the CCA relay system soon. Year 2 & 3 cadets will be asked to submit an article for Rhino magazine.
Capt Gerard and his fifteen student leaders met Capt Lim, Ma'am Chang and some KC student organisers to plan camp duties and programme on 5 August for about 1.5 hours till 6 plus in the evening. It was a fruitful meeting held in the Math Room and most of the issues were discussed. Some objections were raised and suggestions given. Capt Lim was not happy with the way the camp was run last year. After consulting the principal, these are the restrictions to be made known to all camp participants.
1. No physical contact during any of the games or telematch.
2. No exchange of handphone numbers between male and female cadets.
3. Male cadets are not allowed to stay overnight in KC.

Above is a photo taken at Changkat Changi SS on 3 Dec 2009. The camp venue is Changkat Changi SS. Female SNCOs will not be allowed to stay up late at night beyond 1 a.m. Based on past experience, UDIs will not be allowed to stay in the store room unless when necessary. The teachers on duty will have the right to send any cadet home if he or she misbehaves. Capt Lim or Ma'am Chang will check whether the female SNCOs are sleeping in their bunks at midnight.