Saturday, July 25, 2009


The dates for NDP rehearsals in school are 31 Jul, 5 Aug and 6 Aug from 3 to 6 p.m. & 1 Aug from 7.30 to 10.30 a.m. Selected cadets will be issued a consent form. Contingent IC: Tifflin, flag bearer: Shamini. slow march: Yvette and Felicia, left marker: Nerin Tanu and right marker: Claire Seow. Cadets who are learning bowling will be allowed to leave school at 0945 on 1 Aug. Full-dress rehearsal is on 5 Aug. The parade is on 7 Aug. Attire on 5 and 7 Aug is no. 4 uniform and beret. Attire on 31 Jul and 6 Aug: CCA t-shirt and shorts.

Year 1 cadets are to wear no. 4 uniform and jockey cap on 29 Jul because of Footdrill (bronze) assessment which will be conducted by Ma'am Chang and SCLT Natasha on the first CCA session since the beginning of term 3.

Campcraft assessment will be held on 12 Aug for Year 1 cadets and 5 Year 2 cadets. This is to expedite the promotion of Year 1 cadets to Lance Corporals and the remaining cadets from LCP to CPL before September. The Campcraft and First Aid powerpoint slides have been uploaded in Moodle under CCA & PE by Capt Lim. In the meantime, please practise on the 7 basic knots. Time limit: 2 minutes.

Visits (attire: no. 4 uniform and jockey cap)
(1) Visit to Geylang NPC on 22 July (Crime Prevention Badge)
Year 1 cadets' booklets are kept with Ma'am Chang to be used in 2010. Year 2 cadets are to complete their Crime Prevention project by 19 Aug. You need to login to Moodle to search for Crime Prevention resources under CCA & PE. The password for Sec 2s has been reset. Your password to login to integrated portal is password.

(2) Visit to Heritage Gallery for Year 2 cadets on 12 Aug (National Heritage Badge)
from 2 to 3 p.m. Please assemble in school foyer by 1.30 p.m. There are 5 cadets who need to stay back to take the Campcraft Practical Assessment on 12 Aug after the visit. Other cadets will be dismissed except for SNCOs who have to stay back to assist in the campcraft assessment, discuss and plan the next CCA session. HQ officers will visit KC anytime in August. Please be prepared to wear No. 4 uniform and conduct lessons on crime prevention. If we can depend on the SNCOs, it will make the teachers' job easier to handle the unit and work towards excellence!

(3) Visit to CDA for Year 1 cadets on 25 Aug
- Year 1 cadets will be exempted from CCA session on 26 Aug unless there is CIP to be done on 26 Aug. CIP will be planned by Ma'am Chang. If there are any suggestions for CIP, please see Ma'am Chang.

Inter-unit quiz preliminary round (attire: no. 4 uniform)
Date: 24 Jul
Participants: Nerin, Elizabeth and Felicia
The final round of the inter-unit quiz will be held on 28 August.

Emergency Preparedness Day (attire: no. 4 uniform)
Date: 6 Dec, together with Changkat Changi unit

Sec 2 Adventure Training Camp (attire: CCA t-shirt & long track pants)
Dates: 22 to 23 Aug
If you're fasting, you can still attend. Consent forms and medical declaration will be issued after national day. The two dates clashed with 1-star kayaking course which is for Sec 2 cadets. Ma'am Chang will check with HQ officer whether Sec 1 cadets can sign up for the 1-star kayaking course from 22 to 23 August 2009.

UDI Course (attire: no. 4 uniform)
Dates: 9 to 12 Sep
Participants: Tifflin, Elizabeth and Felicia
Please note that these three Sec 2 cadets have been attending a lot of courses. It is not just the CCA leader, Tifflin.

Combined Unit Camp
All cadets must attend the 3D/2N camp to be held at Changkat Changi SS. We will have two types of training taking place at the same time. Year 1 cadets will have first aid assessment while selected Year 2 cadets will undergo NCO training. Foreign cadets who have to go back to Indonesia will not be trained as NCOs and Year 1 foreign cadets who have to go back to Pakistan or China will take their First Aid assessment in 2010.

1. Please hand in your article for the yearbook or Rhino magazine by 31 Jul.

2. Please continue with your NYAA activities. The NYAA booklet will be collected by 31 Aug.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Updates on assessment results, promotion etc

All 7 SNCOs passed CD Knowledge assessment,
6 SNCOs passed Footdrill (Gold) assessment and
6 SNCOs passed MOI at the 7th SNCO course.

CPL Claire Seow is going to be promoted to a SGT. Congratulations to Claire! It has to be at least 4 months from the previous promotion. Claire Seow will be promoted to SSG in Nov 2009.

Tifflin will attend the leadership training course organised by the school. Next year, she will attend the Sec 3 OBS. She will be nominated for EAGLES Award 2009.

All Year 2 cadets (excluding absentees) passed CPR course on 4 July and IPP course on 10 July. Shamini and Nerin passed the CPR Course on 18 July. Capt Lim will not arrange for one-way transport to HTA for Sarah Lim and Taryn who were absent on 4 and 18 July. It is most likely that Sarah Lim and Taryn will attend the CPR course in 2010. Sarah has to take the IPP assesment in 2010 as she did not turn up for the visit to Tampines Fire Station on 10 July. This will cause a delay in Sarah's promotion to a SGT. Year 1 and 2 cadets, please take note of the consequences of your absenteeism.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friendship with cadets from other schools

This is to inform all cadets that you are allowed to make friends with cadets from other schools but are not allowed to meet a male cadet alone which might lead to a relationship. There is no such thing as "declaring BGR in FB is for fun".


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Preparation for Inter Unit CD Knowledge Quiz & Crime Prevention (Jul to Aug 2009)

Capt Lim will accompany three cadets who are representing KC in the inter-unit quiz. Zhang Yundi and Umme Laila will also go to HTA on 24 July to collect their first set of uniform. Yundi is a Singapore P.R. whereas Laila's application to join NCDCC was just approved in July 2009. Felicia was told to wear no. 4 unform since she is following us to collect her new boots. Elizabeth will collect her new boots after the quiz. The two SNCOs did not receive their new boots during the 7th SNCO Course except Tifflin.

Rachel, Nerin and Elizabeth were told
(1) to read up on CD Knowledge, CD Shelter Program, Emergency procedures for war (water distribution & PWS),
(2) to surf the official websites of SCDF and NCDCC,
(3) to revise on Year 1 and 2 topics,
(3) to read up on the history of Singapore and National Education.
In the final round, the cadets will be tested on practical skills, footdrill etc.

National Crime Prevention Project, Visit & Written Test

1. Cadets choose either one of the following projects:

(a) Poster for Crime Prevention badge. This should come in the form of an A3 (Drawing Block) sized piece of paper.
(b) Scrapbook at least 15 pages with newspaper cuttings on crime. With each newspaper cutting, student is to reflect on the crime could have been prevented.

Deadline: after National Day for returns on projects

2. After visiting a Crime Prevention Exhibition Centre to be arranged by OC Unit in August, cadets are to share on crime prevention knowledge with their parents and other cadets. Note: The cadets may also use their posters or scrapbooks in conjunction with their presentation.

3. Conducting of Written Test

(a) OC Unit to issue copy of handbook to students

(b) OC Unit to conduct lesson for students (using PDF presentation given)

(c) OC Unit to conduct test for cadets. Questions based on handbook and presentation

(d) Test papers to be graded with results submitted to HQ.