Saturday, May 30, 2009

Leadership positions in 2010

OC Unit: Mrs Joan Lim, in-charge of Year 1 and 3 cadets

Deputy OC Unit: Ms Chang Jia Yin, in-charge of Year 2 cadets

SNCO Claire Seow: future SSG (Admin)

SNCO Tifflin Tan: future SSG (Training)

SNCO Shamini: future SSG (Well-being)

SNCO Emelia Lee: future SSG (Publicity)

SNCO Elizabeth Houghton: future SSG (Footdrill)

SNCO Felicia Ong: future SSG (Logistics)

SNCO Karthi: future SSG (Operations)

WARNING: Any SNCOs with a discipline record in 2010 will be stripped of your position. Your parent will be kept informed of any disciplinary action e.g. DC. There were three of you who were referred to see the DM recently because of a school rule which states that "PUPILS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE SCHOOL PREMISES DURING SCHOOL HOURS FOR ANY FUNCTION OR ACTIVITY WITHOUT PERMISSION. A PARENT OR RELATIVE MUST SIGN FOR THE PUPIL'S EARLY DEPARTURE" found on page 11 of Student Journal 2009 and page 10 of Student Journal 2008. So there is no excuse to say that you do not know the school rules when you are not a Sec 1 cadet. If you want the other cadets to look up to you and respect you as a senior NCO, please do not break any school rules such as short pinafore and so on. Joining a UG should instil discipline among cadets.

SNCOs are not allowed to abuse their authority by threatening or punishing any cadet. Only the OC Unit and Deputy OC Unit will be allowed to discipline a cadet e.g. pumping. SNCOs are not allowed to arrange for any additional training sessions or external meetings without the teachers' knowledge and approval.

Year 1 SNCOs: Shamini and Emelia Lee

Year 2 SNCOs: Elizabeth Houghton, Felicia Ong and Karthi

Year 3 SNCOs: Claire Seow and Tifflin Tan

These changes supersedes the previous blog entry after much consideration. The structure of KC NCDCC will change every year. Opportunities will be given to humbler and honest cadets with good conduct. Future leaders will be selected by the teachers-in-charge based on merit, behaviour and potential.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

12 bowling sessions on Saturdays starting from 6 June

Mr Lim Tze Han will be in-charge on 6 June, 13 June and 27 June.

Ms Heng Puay Fang will be in-charge on 18 July.

Capt Lim will be in-charge on 1 August, 15 August, 29 August and 5 September. [to collect invoice on the last bowling training session]

Ms Chang will be in-charge on 11 July, 25 July, 8 August and 12 September.

Time: 10 to 12 p.m.

Venue: Chinese Swimming Club (on the left side), Amber Road

Attire: Home clothes (no spaghetti top and any other revealing clothes)

Participants: Hanis, Nisa, Karthi, Averyn, Rachel, Tifflin, Yvette, Irinie, Cordell, Xuemei and 8 choir girls. You can refer this CCA blog to your parents if they need more details. Mr Leslie Long is the bowling instructor recommended by Mr Philip Tan from VicPro. Allen was Mr Long's replacement on 18 July (Leslie had a mild stroke).

Basic knowledge of the game including history, etiquette, rules, equipment, and safety, scoring to fundamental skills like different types of grip, stance, approach, release and delivery will be taught in the first half of the programme. The emphasis of the later half of the programme will be on developing of consistency and the art of spare conversion. Upon completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate different techniques and strategies with competency.

Topics will be covered:
􀁺 History of Bowling
􀁺 The Modern Game
􀁺 Equipment and the Playing Field
􀁺 Safety Awareness
􀁺 Scorekeeping
􀁺 Grip
􀁺 Stance
􀁺 Approach (Swing, Steps and Timing)
􀁺 Delivery (Putting it all together)
􀁺 Release and Follow Through
􀁺 Targeting and Strategies
􀁺 Playing Angles
􀁺 Spare Conversion

Remark: You should learn bowling while you are still young. This activity can be included in your NYAA logbook. The bowling instructor will select the better bowlers to represent KC in the inter-unit bowling competition in November 2009.

USAR, CPR, IPP, ATC and many other important info

Capt Lim has nominated CPL Claire Seow, LCP Shamini and LCP Emelia to participate in Urban Search and Rescue course from 24 to 26 June at CDA. These three Sec 3 cadets and CPL Karthi are to assemble at the foyer by 1 p.m. on 26 May. Capt Lim will bring them to HTA to collect their second set of uniform which will be issued to future SNCOs. Hasna from Sec 106, who is now a Singapore PR, will also go and collect her new set of uniform.

There will be no CCA session for LCPs and CPLs on 8 July. This is because they have (1) CPR Course on 4 July at HTA and (2) IPP practical assessment which is part of HAZMAT on 10 July from 3 to 6 p.m. at Tampines Fire Station. New recruits who have missed the fire safety assessment will need to go too. LCPs and CPLs will learn CPR theory on 27 May, PAM and IPP theory on 1 July.

Thanks to our Rota Officer from Div 2, LTA Mahdi, for his kind assistance. We will consider requesting for water mist gun and fire truck with ladder for 2010 CCA Fair.

HQ grouped some schools and assigned ATC dates to different schools. Adventure Training Camp for Sec 2 / 3 cadets will take place from 8.30 a.m. on 22 August to 12 p.m. on 23 August. Capt Lim will be staying overnight at Changi Coast Adventure Centre as well. She is the Camp Admin IC. She also volunteered to accompany selected cadets from various NCDCC units to Malacca in June but there was no news from HQ.

We will continue to collaborate with other schools. Future SNCOs from KC will be roped in to plan the November Combined Unit Camp programme with SNCOs from CCSS on 9 June at 9 a.m.

CPL Karthi has submitted a draft of a 3D2N camp programme as required by NYAA. The details will be further discussed by the OC Unit and TO with 2 or 3 CPLs on 24 May.

FYI, CPL Tifflin volunteered to plan a CCA-initiated CIP in Semester 2 and Capt Lim will arrange a visit to National Heritage Gallery for Sec 2 and 3 cadets in Term 3.

One of our seniors applied to become a CLT and passed the interview conducted by Capt Liang and A/CPT Yasmin last week. Congratulations to Maria!

CCA phototaking for the school yearbook is scheduled on 28 May 2009. Please leave your classroom at 1 p.m. and assemble at the foyer on Thursday by 1.30 p.m. You are to wear No. 4 uniform and beret. Hair must be neat and boots must be polished.

Capt Lim will be in-charge of SGTs, CPLs and new recruits (depending on whether there is a new teacher-in-charge) in 2010. Future CLT, SGTs and CPLs will assist her to train the new recruits. All LCPs will be under Ms Chang next year.

In 2010, those who are not promoted will be regrouped according to your rank. Capt Lim is unable to arrange for make up assessments all the time. Performance in assessments will be used as the criteria to select our future leaders. Obviously if your attendance is irregular, you will miss lessons and this would affect your assessment results. In order to be fair, the teachers-in-charge will interview potential SNCOs from next year onwards.

Capt Lim will nominate two SNCOs with Footdrill (Gold) proficiency badge to attend the 3rd Unit Drill Instructor course in September at HTA. The highest rank for a non-SNCO cadet would be SGT. All SNCOs will be promoted to Staff Sergeants if they have the necessary proficiency badges and two of them will be promoted to Warrant Officer based on an interview by two HQ officers.

NCDCC Inaugural Parade

These are the announcements for the cadets who form the supporting contingent for the NCDCC Inaugural Parade 2009:

1. Please leave your classroom by 12.30 p.m. on 25 and 26 May. Take your lunch before assembling at the foyer by 1 p.m. Four St Pat's cadets will take the same bus with 19 KC cadets. Mr Lim and Capt Lim will take turns to bring all 23 cadets safely to BRTC.

2. Please leave your classroom by 1 p.m. on 28 May. Take your lunch, change into your smart no. 4 uniform and assemble at the foyer by 1.30 p.m. for CCA phototaking first before leaving for BRTC at 2 p.m.

3. On 30 May, please assemble at Tanah Merah MRT Station by 2 p.m. Do inform your parents that you will be dismissed at 9 p.m. from Tanah Merah Merah MRT Station next Saturday. You might reach home beyond 10 p.m. as this occurred on 23 May for two of you. Capt Lim's handphone will be switched on at all times to answer any parent's enquires on 30 May.

Since the cadets' footdrill had improved tremendously after participating in the NCDCC Day Parade, it is most likely that selected cadets will be nominated to participate in National Day Parade 2010 which is a higher platform to demonstrate excellence. But a lot of time is required because this is a national event.

Physical and footdrill training will NOT be conducted on Fridays unless there is permission from Ms Chang as she is in-charge of new recruits. Cadets are not allowed to arrange for trainings or meetings on their own without the OC Unit's permission especially when it involved cadets from any other school. The OC Unit has to be kept informed of any arrangements outside of school. Cadets are not allowed to leave the school before 1.15 p.m. to take lunch elsewhere. This entry was edited by Capt Lim on 30 May 2009.