Rescue written assessment was postponed and conducted on 11 March. All except four LCPs completed Rescue Assessment. 7 LCPs did not complete Campcraft Assessment last year. Some new cadets missed the fire safety assessment. Cadets are to pass their swimming certificate to Capt Lim if they have one. HQ has not sent the 1 star kayaking certificate to the school.
First Aid and HAZMAT assessments will be conducted by the respective teacher-in-charge soon. There will not be any make up assessment. The schedule is too tight and the syllabus must be completed within 30 weeks. Thus cadets must not be absent on the date of assessments. It is NOT easy to arrange for the Tampines Fire Station personnel to bring the fire wok and fire extinguishers again.
All LCPs must submit an article with photo(s) for the Rhino magazine by email to Capt Lim. Deadline in Term 2: May. Deadline in Term 3: Sep 2009. Examples of events to report on are Unit Combined Camp, Sec 2 ATC, NCDCC Day Parade / Observance Ceremony, GOH for Speech and Prize-giving Day, kayaking course, OBS and Sec 1 CCA Fair.
For the NCDCC Day Observance Ceremony to be held on 9 April 2009, all cadets have to practise singing "LEARN, LEAD & SERVE". The song and training materials could be found in the NCDCC official website