Friday, October 2, 2009


HQ NCDCC will be organizing the HOMEFRONT SECURITY BADGE COURSE for Sec 3 cadets on 5 Nov.

The HOMEFRONT SECURITY BADGE COURSE is about the need to raise awareness for Homeland Security where cadets would be trained to look out for the signs of the threats to our homeland security through terrorists’ acts. It also encompasses the actions to take in the case of spotting such acts or intended acts of terrorism.

This is an initiative by Ministry of Home Affairs to equip cadets from NCDCC with knowledge of what to do in the case of intended acts of terrorism and executed acts itself.

The course would be held at Home Team Academy, Old Choa Chu Kang Road at the Auditorium.

The course would start at 0800hrs and end around 1245hrs. It is a half day course where cadets are given a 2 hour lecture followed by a theory test. Tea break will be provided.

It is important to note that cadets need to have the following 3 badges in order to obtain the Homefront Security Badge, however, all Secondary 3 cadets are advise to come with or without these badges.
- Crime Prevention
- SANA Proficiency Course
- Total Defence (Bronze).

Cadets are required to be in their Smart 4 with jockey cap. Please bring along the Homefront Security Learner Guide (to be provided by OC Unit). You can also find the training notes in the NCDCC Official Website under Training Package 2009.