Thursday, June 28, 2012

Updates on activities

7 July: CPR Course and CD Knowledge Course [Capt Lim]

20/7, 27/7, 3/8 (full dress) and 7/8: NDP rehearsals in school field [Mr Tay]

8 Aug: School NDP Contingent commander: Nadia (CCA Leader)
Flag bearer: Aqila
Flag party: Emily and Syafiqah

28 July (Sat): Inter-unit poster making competition at Changkat Changi SS from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Participants (Syafiqah, Trisha, Savannah and Inez) will be provided with an A3 size art paper but have to bring your own art materials e.g. brushes, palette, paint and colour pencils. [Capt Lim]

28 July (Sat): Camp meeting at CCSS at 10 a.m. [Ma'am Tan]
All SNCOs and Sec 2 group leaders are required to be present.

July: Visit CD Shelter, Fire Station and Heritage Gallery [Ma'am Tan / Ma'am Azian]

Aug: Visit Geylang NPC and submision of Crime Prevention project [Capt Lim]

Aug: Sec 2 Inter-unit Quiz [Ma'am Tan]

25 Aug: KC Family Day [first aid duty?]

5 to 8 Sep: UDI Course [Nadia and Aqila]