Monday, June 7, 2010

Looking forward to Marine Parade NDP (once in 5 years) and T3?

SCLT Natasha wants to conduct a footdrill rehearsal on 26 June in school from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Attire: half u (blue NCDCC t-shirt)

No one is indispensable. Reserves will be activated. Teachers will take turns to be present.

Welcome to Mr Lim Chin Min, who is the third NCDCC teacher-in-charge w.e.f. T3, 2010.

CCA session on 30 January will be held from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. Attire: half u.
Marking of attendance will be taken at the parade ground next to Drama Centre.
Sec 3 cadets can come from 3.30 p.m. onwards (due to extended curriculum time for Upper Sec students w.e.f. Term 3) and will be deployed to conduct campcraft training to Year 1 cadets or assist Capt Lim in admin work.

CCA day may be changed to Saturday in 2011 due to our CLTs' timetable @Temasek Poly. Cadets will not have an excuse to say that they have forgetten to bring their uniform because they will have to wear the uniform from home or keep the uniform in the CCA storeroom.

Ma'am Chang will be planning CIP (Service Learning Project) in T3.

Capt Lim still prefers to collaborate with Changkat Changi SS due to our good working relationship that has developed over a period of more than 2 years. She has decided to let nature takes its course and does not wish to cause anyone unhappiness by requesting for a CLT from another school. The teachers will continue to persevere and conduct training sessions with the help of SNCOs and NCOs.

Inter-unit Quiz
1. Hasna
2. Yvette
3. Jade (reserve)

Location: Everest Room, Home Team Academy
Attire: No. 4 with Jockey Cap

Preliminary round will be held on 22 July from 4 to 5 p.m. whereas the final round will be held on 20 August. Please read up on history, NE and CD Knowledge.
Consent forms will be issued by Ma'am Chang. Transport: Taxi.