Sunday, July 6, 2008


When the Math Room is being used for GCE 'N' or 'O' Level English Oral, the training venue will be changed to one of the Sec 3 classrooms.

Attire: No. 4 uniform on selected days

Training in July: First Aid and Footdrill (National Day Parade - sch)

Training in August: Campcraft

The next footdrill training to be conducted by NCC Corporals and CLT is on 18 July from 3 to 5 p.m. Please refer to the post on confirmed dates of combined rehearsals below - there are changes!

Date of First Aid Assessment: 23 July 2008 (practical and written)

Visit to CDA: 28 August 2008

The treasurers will collect $20 from each cadet on 16 July.

Please inform Cpt Lim whenever there is a change in your particulars such as handphone number or email address.

NCO Course (for two Sec 2 student leaders)
15 to 26 Dec 2008 @ HTA and CDA

To develop future leaders, they will be given the opportunity to train the new recruits in 2009. Advisors: teachers-in-charge